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In an article published in the BERRIA newspaper (“Deriba erreakzionarioa geldiarazi”, (17-10-2024) (https://www.berria.eus/iritzia/artikuluak/deriba-erreakzionarioa-geldiarazi_2132090_102.html) the philosopher Andoni Olariaga referred to the link between migration and colonialism. In the article he mentioned, among other things: “Being People and persons living in the global North, and knowing that we are based on a model of life based on the exploitation of the global...
In the last few weeks, a cultural incident made its way to the news that took us aback. Albeit not new and isolated, sparked uproar in Basque cultural circles. The young athletes of the rowing society Orioko Arraunketa Elkartea, entrenched in the town of Orio, receive guidelines and advice in Spanish during their training sessions. Orio happens to be...
Pako Aristi 6-10-2024, BERRIA. Abstract: A desert crossing is the period of time in which a person or a project does not succeed. In this article, Pako Aristi points out that the Basque national project is currently in that phase, crossing the desert. Few voices denounce our national dependence, our political and cultural dependence on Spain and France. The precarious situation of...
Karmelo Landa 21-09-2024, BERRIA. Abstract: Summer is coming to an end, and in this article Karmelo Landa reviews the main political events in the Basque Country, and also in Catalonia. In the Basque Autonomous Community, the summer began with the formation of a new government after the elections. A government presided over by the PNV, in alliance with the Basque-Spanish Socialists. Everything continues...

