Jose Mari Pastor

06-10-2018,  BERRIA.


Elections have been recently held in Quebec, and pro-independence parties have been the main losers. One reason for this, in this article’s author’s opinion, could be the hegemony of the French language in today’s Quebec, a hegemony which was non-existant in the 1970s. As a matter of fact, Quebeckers don’t see their language being under threat now, since it is the only official language there. And that might be attenuating the wish for independence.

The situation in the Basque country is very different, where the Basque language (as of today) continues in a diglossic state of affairs, as can be attested at hotels in Donostia (San Sebastian city): most hotel websites are available in many languages, but not in Basque. Yes, Donostia is not Montreal.