Karmelo Landa

21-09-2024, BERRIA.


Summer is coming to an end, and in this article Karmelo Landa reviews the main political events in the Basque Country, and also in Catalonia.

In the Basque Autonomous Community, the summer began with the formation of a new government after the elections. A government presided over by the PNV, in alliance with the Basque-Spanish Socialists. Everything continues as before, and it does not seem that any steps towards Basque sovereignty will be taken.

A government was also formed in Catalonia, presided over by the Catalan-Spanish Socialists. Thanks to the support given by ERC. An unusual support, since the Catalan-Spanish socialists participated in the repression against Catalan pro-independence movement from October 2017 on. This decision makes not only ERC look bad, but also EH BILDU, its traditional Basque ally.

Mr. landa regrets that both Basque and Catalan nationalist political parties with institutional responsibilities are increasingly integrated into the Spanish political system, and misses -in the Basque case- a strategy to move towards the integral sovereignty of our nation.