Argazkia: Itsasi Euskaltegia

For the next term, we wish to address a specific request to the Basque nationalist parties to always speak in Basque in the parliaments of the Southern Basque Country and Spain.

One does not need to be an expert to understand that all languages hold symbolic and instrumental value. Languages provide a means of communication among people, while at the same time identifying their speakers as members of a given group. Additionally, this identification is essential and immediate, since we make an automatic assumption when we hear someone talk: “this person is English”, “that other is Italian”, “that other one is Russian”… and the one who speaks Basque is Basque. However, we still struggle to understand what is so obvious to everyone in the world.

Euskera is the language that shows the world who we are, and the only language that can unite us all the Basques.

Accordingly, we urge the elected members of the Basque nationalist parties to always speak Basque in all Peninsular Basque parliamentary venues on all kinds of sessions and initiatives, with no exception: submission of propositions, full debates or public statements. Basque may also be used for interaction with the press. The mass media may provide translations and subtitles where necessary. It is about time we show that Basque language is necessary in the institutions of the Basque Country.

Outside the Basque Country, you are now free to speak Basque with no bans in the Spanish Parliament. Still Spanish remains overwhelmingly your language of use. What sad message are you sending to the Basques and to the world? The Catalans speak Catalan, the Galicians speak Galician, the Spanish speak Spanish, and the Basques? When you speak Spanish, neglecting our language, you shame us in front of others.

It is evident that no State policy can be pursued without a State, but there is something that can be done, and our demand is, of course, feasible. Actually, it is only up to you to do it. There is no need to discuss anything with other parties, there is no need to change or violate the laws, nor will the judges have a place to go. In short, a simple decision, significant, compelling and certainly effective.